Milford Village Hall
In 1922, additional church accommodation to accommodate the Women’s Institute and bible classes was commissioned on Portsmouth Road by Archdeacon Beresford Potter who lived at Rake Manor with his wife Sarah Gertrude from 1906 until 1925. This was known locally as Potter’s Hall. In 1930 it became the village hall and was known as the Milford Church Institute.
The hall was designed by the renowned architect Mackay Baillie Scott who briefly lived in Haslemere before World War 1. Following the war Baillie Scott went into partnership with Alfred Edgar Beresford. The company, Baillie Scott & Beresford, was situated at Grays Inn in London in 1919 and it is likely the hall was designed during this partnership. The office subsequently moved to Bedford Row, where it was unfortunately destroyed during the Blitz in 1941 and all records were destroyed.
Baillie Scott was employed by the Archdeacon on a number of occasions at Rake Manor, one being the construction of the billiards/music room. It is suggested that it was this billiards room that provided the prototype for the village hall.
The original part of the building, facing the Portsmouth Road, was used for bible classes and other Church uses as well as meeting the increasing social and welfare needs of the village. The first caretaker lived in part of the Hall. The original kitchen is now the Parish Council offices.
In 1929 the property was held in trust for the people of Milford and is still central to village life today, accommodating many educational, social and leisure activities for people of all ages.
In 1971 the rear extension to the hall was built at a cost of £20,000. To raise money for this a series of events were held on behalf of the Milford Village Hall Project, including a range of concerts featuring the Milford Cantata Choir conducted by James Vine.
At a concert on 16 September 1967 the Milford Psalm was sung. This was composed especially for the occasion and was named “Ode to Milford”. It praised the virtues of several local people and places. The author was a well-known Milford Resident named Jack Dodds.
* The images above are able to be used on this site courtesy of Godalming Museum
Ode to Milford
Blessed art thou among the people O Milford; for it is written, that a goodly tabernacle shall arise in the midst.
To be an Institute, to shelter thee from the snare of the ungodly, and from the temptation of sinners and vandals.
Behold, a Carpenter has come among ye as a prophet; and one that is Hardy, as a scribe, to guide thy ways into the land of plenty.
For the Secretts of thy heart have provided abundantly; and the Warrens with their stores bear witness to the value thereof.
The priests, set in authority over ye shall trim thy raiment as a Taylor; that thou mayest be clad as verdue in the Greenwood.
The Tribes within thy gates shall prosper mightily; and the good news go out to all the people.
Yea even the Lions, either Red or White; which lie in wait, shall not be cast out.
They shall feed upon thy pasture; and fatten exceedingly upon they thirsting sheep.
Those that are called commuters, that ride upon the fearful engines of frustration; foster them, that their days may be long in thy land, and their wealth swell the coffers of the faithful.
For, by the paths of Prudence, and Merritt, shalt thou seek Grace to Ridd thee of evil; fair Gales shall refresh thy plains and nought shall prevail against the strength of thy Castle.
The Olives, and Marjoram, arising from the Moss of thy Hills, shall provide sustenance and balm to thy soul.
And the fruitfulness of thy Vines hath increased in harmony and melody.
For with chanting and fair sounds shall glad voices be raised to the glory of thy temples.
Luck shall attend thy pipings; and the Moat of righteousness shall defend thy Gatehouse.
And the unnamed legions of the blessed shall prise thee with joy for ever and ever.
It would be really interesting to hear from any local residents who are related to those mentioned in this Psalm!!!
The Milford Cantata Choir was composed of members from Milford and surrounding villages. They appear to be well-known and sung at a variety of local venues including Shottermill and Elstead churches.
Many thanks to Godalming Museum for agreeing that we could reproduce some of the documents and copy relating to the village hall including extracts from Rake Manor, Godalming, Surrey by Alan Bott.